•Tags are always surrounded by angled brackets
e.g. <HEAD>
•Most tag come in pairs and surround the
materials they affect. the first tag turn on the action, and the second turn it
•The second tag the off switch closing tag
always start with forward slash.eg </B>
•First tag on, last tag off. Tags are
embedded, so when you start a tag within another tag. you have to close that
inner tag before closing the outer tag.
•Many tags have optional attributes that use values to modify the tags behavior.The
<P> (Paragraph) tags ALIGN attribute, for instance,lets you change the default (LEFT) Paragraph
alignment.eg <P ALIGN=CENTER> center the next page of the page.
You will be transcribing code into notepad
and then viewing it with a web browser. The code is called HTML (Hyper Text
Markup Language) and notepad is a commonly used text editor on Window PCs.
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